الفنان التشكيلي محمود حيسو Mahmoud Hesso
- يونيو 27, 2013
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الفنان التشكيلي السوري محمود حيسو
تولد الحسكة سنة 1972،
فنان تشكيلي محترف، متخرّخ من كلية الفنون الجميلة بدمشق1997
عضور في نقابة الفنانين التشكيليين بسوريا، عضو نقابة الصحافيين بسوريا
عضو نقابة الفنانين التشكيليين بالإمارات …
يقيم حاليا في السويد
Mahmoud Hesso
Syrian – Alhasaka Professional Painter.
1997 Bachelor Degree from the College of Fine Art, University of Damascus.
A member of the Syrian Fine Art Association.
A member of Syrian Journalists Union.
A member of Emirates Fine Art Society.
2000 Invited By the Omani Fine Arts Society to Teach Courses To A Group of Their
young members about Composition and oil Painting Techniques
1993 Awarded the First Prize at Nidal ALsHAAB News paper to the youth Artist
2000 Awarded the First Prize at the Annual Portrait Exhibition
2002 Awarded the Prize at the Tehran International Biennial of Contemporary Art
Solo Exhibitions:
2013 Art/Work Gallery, Toronto Canada
2013 Gallery, Smهland Sweden
2010 Vara Gallery, Sweden
2009 Avesta Gallery, Sweden,
2009 Borlنnge Gallery, Sweden,
2009 Villهttinge Gallery, Flen, Sweden,
2008 Aguélimuseet, Sala museum, Sweden
2007 Sandvikens Gallery, Sweden
2006 Galerie O, Saudi Arabia Riyahd
2005 Galerie Re – Lai – S, Baden-Baden Germany
2005 Boshahri Art Gallery, Kuwit
2004 Green Art Gallerry, Dubai
2004 Galleri Lorizon, Paris
2004 Orient Gallery Amman Jordan
2003 Abu Dahabi Cultural Center
2001 Sharjah Art Gallery the Artist home
2001 Al Moultaga Gallery Saudi Arabia Riyahd
2001 Orient Gallery Amman Jordan
1999 Sharjah Arts Museum
1998 Al-Shaab Fine Arts Gallery, Damascus
1996 The German Cultural Center (Goethe Institute) Damascus.
1988 -1989 -1990 The Arabian Cultural Center Alhasaka
Group Exhibitions
2011 Mjِlby Gallery, Sweden Young Artists Festival” In Cuba-Havana
The Annual Exhibition of “Peace and Love Festival”
The Fourth and Fifth Round of the Sharjah International Biennale
1999 – 2001 Arts Exhibition
2001 International Cairo Biennale
2002 2nd Tehran International Biennial of Contemporary Art in The World
2003 The Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh
The Annual Exhibition of “Syrian Artists”
The Annual Exhibition the Syrian Fine Art Association.
The Annual Sharjah Art Gallery Artists Exhibition.
2001 The Sharjah Art Gallery Artists Exhibition at the American
1999 – 2000 – 2001 The Annual Portrait Exhibition of the Sharjah Museum of Fine Art”
1990 – 2000 -2001 The 18th General Exhibition of the Emirates Fine Art Society -”
2000 The Exhibition “Artist from Greater Syria” at the Indian Consulate Dubai”
2001 The, ARTUEL. Art exhibition at the international salon of Contemporary Art Beirut .
2002 Nature Exhibition, Espace auteuil Paris
His works are in collections around the world.
وبخصوص المؤسسة التي ترعى الفنان حيسو
About Us
Artists to Artists Foundation (AAF) is a not-for-profit charitable corporation. It was started by a group of community-spirited individuals who believed that artists play a vital role in building and transforming communities and that ‘the Arts ‘are important to the overall enrichment and historical preser¬vation of a nation. We believe that through community partnerships ‘the Arts’ can be made accessible to all, and that Canada’s rich, cultural mosaic lends itself to the creation of a dynamic Arts community.
Our Mission is to foster and promote the arts in communities, with a special emphasis on disadvantaged communities. We provide leadership and support to individuals in the arts through funding, mentorship, sharing of resources, skills and expertise.
Our Vision is to be a shining example of what is possible when artists and their community work together in partnership.
Our Programs
Artist in Residence Program
Art Education & Community Art Projects and Initiatives
• Fine Arts Printing & Processing
• Web Design and other graphic art services
• Framing Services
• Space for Meetings & Functions
• Film screenings
Special initiatives
• Seniors photography
• Seniors Cross Cultural Dance Theatre
• Children’s Dance
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Toronto, Ontario M9N 1T9
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