معرض الفنان يعقوب إبراهيم سوريا العشاء الأخير
- مايو 19, 2013
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معرض الفنان يعقوب إبراهيم
سوريا .. العشاء الأخير Syria .. The last Supper
في صالة الجسر
حلب 19/5/2013
الأحد 15 ساعة
War Culture Diary
معرض الفنان يعقوب إبراهيم
سوريا .. العشاء الأخير
صالة الجسر
حلب 19/5/2013
الأحد 15 ساعة
War Culture Diary
You are welcome to opening of the Syrian Artist
Yacob Ibrahim
Syria .. The last Supper
painting exhibition inspired from Syrian Public effect , at War zone .
Le Pont Gallery /Aleppo
Sunday 19/5/2013
يعقوب إبراهيم
الفنانين السادة: ناصر نعسان آغا، عيسى توما، زهير دباغ، نوح حمامي و يعقوب ابراهيم
وكتب الفنان عيسى تومى في صفحة يوميات ثقافية تحت الحرب :
Its pass long time when the Arab Spring started , now after more then 2 years , the idea of the Freedom look so far … even the Freedom leaders lost there prestige …
Last 2 years Politicians from every color lie to us , and warriors was Shooting to kill us , bombing was trying to hide the reality , In this madness we think strongly , Art Is the only way to keep balance in society .
Today Art Life of Spring 2013 in Aleppo , was the winner ….. Exhibition of Yacop Ibrahim , open with the great Success .
Its not secret that from last Easter , Christians aria was the big Target of the Bombing ,and last 3 days to the day of the opening was like hell .
But all that not stop Syrian audience and Art Lover to come to the opening , as usual we start our opening in Dark , with out electricity , and End on Light .
the audience voice hide one more time the noise of the Shooting and Bombing outside of the Gallery , people one more time , feel strong and feel life , majority of the Syrian Artists and other gallery owners was there , and more family’s come also , Children’s of the Refugee from next doors ,and Friends .
as usual More War You DO , More Art We Will Do
its Not any more Arab Spring , its Spring of Aleppo Art …
صورة جماعية لبعض الحضور من الفنانين والمهتمين
الفنان يوسف عقيل والفنان يعقوب ابراهيم ووتقول السيدة سمر كواكبي عقيل: لأنهم يرفضون الموت,وما يحدث لا يمثلهم,ولأن حلب لا تموت ولن تموت….فناني حلب يحضرون معرض الفنان التشكيلي يعقوب ابراهيم